So, I'm supposed to be getting ready for vacation and I'm distracted by what I'm bringing. I know I want a journal, but what do I bring? My small one? The one that's almost filled? My Netbook?
Then I started thinking about how and what I journal. What goes in them?
I looked on the Internet and there are as many journals as there are interests. Personal journals. Poetry journals. Gardening journals. Zombie journals. Knitting journals. Pirate Journals. And a lot of other kinds.
I looked around my Creative Room and there are many many journals and notebooks. Each started as one type and then ended as another.
I put different things in my journal. In one I have a leaf from Valley Forge. In another I have a napkin from the donut shop in the airport at Sao Paulo, Brazil. Along with the leaf I have a penant from the Toronto Blue Jays game. I have poems, notes, stories, ideas for stories, frustrations, sadness, excitements. Some people separate different journals: one for creative writing, one for poetry, etc. Not me. As I said, I start with good intentions, but they get all jumbled up.
So, why do we keep journals?
I'm sure there's as many answer's to that question as there is journals. I know I like mine because I can't help but write. My journaling is pen and paper and tangible objects, but often they get translated into things like blog posts.
How about you? What's your journaling style?
I was going to write about types of journals and all that, but I found two sites that have a better discussion than mine regarding it:
**Blog to Discovery--Katie Davis:
**Writing Forward--Melissa Donovan: