
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mochas and Micros

I'm sitting here drinking a Mexican Mocha, my new favorite drink.  I made it at my house, but I'm not sure it's right.  I read it in a flash fiction story and it sounded really good.  The story talked about cloves and cinnamon.  Being a mocha I figured chocolate, coffee, and steamed milk had to be involved as well. I added Crystal sauce because cayenne pepper sounds Mexican and makes everything better.
More in regards to flash fiction:  I've been writing a novel for a year now.  It's been difficult to stay focused on it.  I recently took a class on flash fiction and find  I'm enjoying the short pieces. I've been told many times that I often don't put enough words in my stories.  Maybe flash is more for me?  We'll see.  Maybe my novel and I just need some time away from each other.

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